
Wanting to quit new job three days in

So I just started a new job as a lab technician at a dental laboratory. I was a veterinary technician previously for several years but due to depression and burnout I decided to leave the veterinary field and thought a laboratory job would be a good fit for me with my background. I shadowed a nice lady after my interview who was setting teeth on a denture and I was told she would be training me. I was excited for this change. Well I was wrong about this job. I show up and nice lady is not there and I instead get placed with a guy who seemed annoyed I was there. He let me watch him for about 2 hours before saying the manager won’t like it if I just sit and observe and he sent me to a bench by myself to work. He said he can’t watch…

So I just started a new job as a lab technician at a dental laboratory. I was a veterinary technician previously for several years but due to depression and burnout I decided to leave the veterinary field and thought a laboratory job would be a good fit for me with my background. I shadowed a nice lady after my interview who was setting teeth on a denture and I was told she would be training me. I was excited for this change.
Well I was wrong about this job. I show up and nice lady is not there and I instead get placed with a guy who seemed annoyed I was there. He let me watch him for about 2 hours before saying the manager won’t like it if I just sit and observe and he sent me to a bench by myself to work. He said he can’t watch me and walk me through things because he has his own work to do and I can come ask him questions but I am on my own otherwise. I keep burning myself on equipment and messing everything up because I don’t really know what I’m doing. There was also a gas leak at my station for I don’t know how long until I caught it and I had an intense migraine for hours from this and felt awful the rest of the day.
The coworkers are crude. One plays a loud political podcast and I’ve heard a few of them making racial jokes. The manager is really creepy and stares at me a lot. I felt something pulling at my hair yesterday and turned around to find him grabbing my hair and saying it’s pretty. He also put his hand into my back pocket and said it was because my phone was going to fall out.
I’ve never left a job this quickly it feels unprofessional I feel sick just thinking about going through with it. But I also feel sick thinking about staying any longer and at the same time they are the unprofessional ones. I feel stupid for leaving my old job.

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