
Wanting to quit while company is offering voluntary redundancy

Hi all, I work for a consultancy in the UK which is currently offering voluntary redundancy to those on the bench (those not on a project placement). I want to travel for the next few months for various reasons, and I have been planning to quit around now for the past few months. However, in this time, my company has started offering VR to those on the bench, and then unexpectedly, the project I was on ran out of funding so I have ended up on the bench as well. The question is: Is there as good way to request redundancy from HR, or would they view that as you wanting to leave and then not want to give it to you? Is it better to just hover in the background and hope it gets offered? The issue with this is I am working at a quite tight timescale now.…

Hi all, I work for a consultancy in the UK which is currently offering voluntary redundancy to those on the bench (those not on a project placement). I want to travel for the next few months for various reasons, and I have been planning to quit around now for the past few months.
However, in this time, my company has started offering VR to those on the bench, and then unexpectedly, the project I was on ran out of funding so I have ended up on the bench as well.

The question is: Is there as good way to request redundancy from HR, or would they view that as you wanting to leave and then not want to give it to you? Is it better to just hover in the background and hope it gets offered? The issue with this is I am working at a quite tight timescale now.

I appreciate this might seem like a very small issue compared to some on this sub, but I would just find it slightly frustrating to quit and get nothing while the company is offering payouts to others to leave.

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