

I've been working in this warehouse for nearly 1.5 years now, which is a personal record for me by a wide margin. But every single day, I feel the discomfort creeping up on me. I have this with every single job after a while, but it usually comes a lot sooner, so I really thought I found “the” job this time. Guess I'm wrong. I currently don't even have the energy to quit. I'm still an interim/temporary worker (or whatever the name is in English), so it could be done in a heartbeat without filling in any paperwork. I guess I'm just “testing the waters”, but for what, I don't know. It's a low-entry shit job, and I'm still doing the exact same kind of work today, compared to 500 days ago when I first started. I have no idea for what I'm waiting because this is literally 'it'. There's…

I've been working in this warehouse for nearly 1.5 years now, which is a personal record for me by a wide margin. But every single day, I feel the discomfort creeping up on me. I have this with every single job after a while, but it usually comes a lot sooner, so I really thought I found “the” job this time. Guess I'm wrong.

I currently don't even have the energy to quit. I'm still an interim/temporary worker (or whatever the name is in English), so it could be done in a heartbeat without filling in any paperwork. I guess I'm just “testing the waters”, but for what, I don't know. It's a low-entry shit job, and I'm still doing the exact same kind of work today, compared to 500 days ago when I first started. I have no idea for what I'm waiting because this is literally 'it'. There's no chance in doing something else over there as all the people with a fixed contract are boomers who have been working there for over 30+ years and it's a very select, almost elite-like group. There is no way you're joining them without kissing their asses 8 hours a day. I have no interest in doing that whatsoever.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent a little. Warehouses suck. It's making me even more depressing than I already am, but the same depression is the reason why I'm stuck doing shitty jobs in shitty warehouses because that's all I can think of when looking for a job where you will be left alone for 8 hours.

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