
Warned by boss for leaving work early– should I snitch on coworkers who also leave early to make sure she enforces the rules she sets and make sure she does his job?

For background: I'm a college professor and my boss's (and school's) rules pertaining to being on-campus are excessive. I take seriously my job and never shirk from being present for my students in my face-to-face classes and my required copious amount “office” hours. The issue I have is with the online classes and the required campus hours. As it relates to my online students– I don't need to be at work: I can do my online classes from anywhere with Wifi. And as for campus hours to be at the beck and call of management? I would say management needs us for an average of 1 hour per week, which is far short of the 10 hours per week the school requires of us. In the past, I have left work early because of fatigue associated with my medical conditions (anxiety and depression) and the reality that I don't really…

For background: I'm a college professor and my boss's (and school's) rules pertaining to being on-campus are excessive. I take seriously my job and never shirk from being present for my students in my face-to-face classes and my required copious amount “office” hours.

The issue I have is with the online classes and the required campus hours. As it relates to my online students– I don't need to be at work: I can do my online classes from anywhere with Wifi. And as for campus hours to be at the beck and call of management? I would say management needs us for an average of 1 hour per week, which is far short of the 10 hours per week the school requires of us. In the past, I have left work early because of fatigue associated with my medical conditions (anxiety and depression) and the reality that I don't really need to be there. No face-to-face classes or required office hours were ever compromised by me leaving early.

Recently, we were warned to not leave early, even if face-to-face classes and office hours aren't impacted. We are not even permitted to make-up time the next day or later in the week if we want to leave early. The personal leave we are given each year is paltry.

So, should I talk to the boss– who is a shit person, btw– and snitch to her on others who leave early? And to make her enforce the rules she sets forth? Ideally, I want to force her into a situation where she either A) enforces this uniformly for everyone or B) if she doesn't enforce this rule, report her to her boss.

To complicate matters, she's had a hard-on for me (specifically) even before became she became our boss. Additionally, I'm trying to find a way to get ADA accommodations so I can avoid all of this ^ and work from home.

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