(Directly ink from the ad above)
Scabs site
Ill post the the picture of the ad below if it let's me.
They've begun a search for scabs.
https://allcasting.com/lan/unb/4idb20so?cid=2290&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk96lBhDHARIsAEKO4xY0245S_f5pAj7ypORtiZD1Wa1afn9MOhEGSZbtAa1qBwsqjuZ0_XYaAvOAEALw_wcB (Directly ink from the ad above) https://allcasting.com Scabs site Ill post the the picture of the ad below if it let's me. They've begun a search for scabs.
(Directly ink from the ad above)
Scabs site
Ill post the the picture of the ad below if it let's me.
They've begun a search for scabs.