
Was anyone here a enthusiastic and highly motivated student throughout K-12 and college but was never able to adjust to the “real world” and it’s 9-5 jobs?

I was such a good student. I loved school so much. Everything I elected to study in college were “useless” things (liberal arts stuff mostly and some science) that piqued my curiosity . Basically the inner 13 year old has never died in me. Everything was magical and fascinating pre-graduation from college . The K-12 experience I had instilled a heightened sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around me After graduating college I start looking for work and begin working some 9-5 job and after just two weeks on that job I’m depressed out of my mind. And I’m left asking myself regarding the “real world”: “is this it? Is this the ‘real world’?” Fast forward 15 more years to the present and I still have yet to adjust to this “real world”

I was such a good student. I loved school so much. Everything I elected to study in college were “useless” things (liberal arts stuff mostly and some science) that piqued my curiosity . Basically the inner 13 year old has never died in me. Everything was magical and fascinating pre-graduation from college . The K-12 experience I had instilled a heightened sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around me

After graduating college I start looking for work and begin working some 9-5 job and after just two weeks on that job I’m depressed out of my mind. And I’m left asking myself regarding the “real world”: “is this it? Is this the ‘real world’?” Fast forward 15 more years to the present and I still have yet to adjust to this “real world”

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