
Was fired and rehired without being informed. What do I do?

I work at a fast food restaurant. It kinda blows but has been pretty typical until they lied to my partner about a raise and when we got upset they kept us off the schedule for weeks. We spoke again and they said they’d put me back on the schedule. I just learned that while I was off work, they fired and rehired me for some reason. What should I do? This manager has a history of keeping workers from discussing wages, firing and rehiring people and telling people they’ll get a wage and later gaslight them about it like they did my partner and I have just never been so outright and blatantly mistreated at a job in my life, I’ve dealt with some shit but this is absurd and I’m appalled when I try to look at my options and feel like there’s literally nothing I can do…

I work at a fast food restaurant. It kinda blows but has been pretty typical until they lied to my partner about a raise and when we got upset they kept us off the schedule for weeks. We spoke again and they said they’d put me back on the schedule. I just learned that while I was off work, they fired and rehired me for some reason. What should I do? This manager has a history of keeping workers from discussing wages, firing and rehiring people and telling people they’ll get a wage and later gaslight them about it like they did my partner and I have just never been so outright and blatantly mistreated at a job in my life, I’ve dealt with some shit but this is absurd and I’m appalled when I try to look at my options and feel like there’s literally nothing I can do that’s actually gonna matter.

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