
Was fired; no explanation

Working in an office job for about 4 weeks. I was hired with the mutual understanding between the supervisor and I that I would need training because I had never used some of the software and they had their own way of doing things. However, training was practically non existent and at the whim of the supervisor. Had a few minor mistakes, but nothing that wasn't easily fixed. I could tell my supervisor was getting frustrated so I asked my coworkers who had been there a while if they would be willing to double check my work before I submitted and sent it out. We had practically nothing to do for half the day so they didn't mind keeping busy and helping out. On the 4th week I really started hitting my stride and was doing really well. Coworkers weren't finding any errors except for the “oh we forgot to…

Working in an office job for about 4 weeks. I was hired with the mutual understanding between the supervisor and I that I would need training because I had never used some of the software and they had their own way of doing things. However, training was practically non existent and at the whim of the supervisor.

Had a few minor mistakes, but nothing that wasn't easily fixed. I could tell my supervisor was getting frustrated so I asked my coworkers who had been there a while if they would be willing to double check my work before I submitted and sent it out. We had practically nothing to do for half the day so they didn't mind keeping busy and helping out.

On the 4th week I really started hitting my stride and was doing really well. Coworkers weren't finding any errors except for the “oh we forgot to tell you about this” things that were fixed before they were sent out. I even started using my free time to type up training instructions for the next person, because I knew I was only gonna be there around a year, year and a half. I made flyers, ads, and posters for the company as well and reached out to some potential customers to secure more regular business and really try to show that initiative people always talk about.

At the end of the 4th week I was terminated. “It's not working out, this is your last check”. No unemployment information and no real reason given. There wasn't any kind of performance evaluation in those 4 weeks; nothing concrete. I reached out the following week to try to get some clarity so I could take it in stride moving forward and be better in the future. No response.

I don't even care if it was wrongful termination: I wouldn't go back if it was and if it wasn't, then I just want to know where the real issue was. The main confusion is the small handful of mistakes I made were incredibly minor. Nothing that a reasonable person would fire someone for, and something that should have been understandable given the practically non existent training

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