
Was free from a 9-5 for a year and half, and three weeks back, I’m ready to give up

So this is just a rant about hating my job honestly, because I just got off late and have to go into my second job I'm an adult woman still living with my parents and siblings ( who isn't these days at 21?) I've been helping with bills since I got my first full time job at 18. I worked overnights at a gas station for an entire year and it was miserable. My boss was an asshole who couldn't keep employees and I was always covering shifts and tasks that other employees wouldn't do. I eventually quit this job because I was so overworked and tired I wanted to lay on the train tracks next to the building. During the time I worked at the gas station, I started doing side gigs as a housekeeper. It was way different than any job I've had before it. I decided my…

So this is just a rant about hating my job honestly, because I just got off late and have to go into my second job

I'm an adult woman still living with my parents and siblings ( who isn't these days at 21?) I've been helping with bills since I got my first full time job at 18. I worked overnights at a gas station for an entire year and it was miserable. My boss was an asshole who couldn't keep employees and I was always covering shifts and tasks that other employees wouldn't do. I eventually quit this job because I was so overworked and tired I wanted to lay on the train tracks next to the building.

During the time I worked at the gas station, I started doing side gigs as a housekeeper. It was way different than any job I've had before it. I decided my prices ( no lower than 20 an hour), I decided who I did and didn't keep as a client, I was able to do things my own way and schedule my own hours, and most importantly, I was treated like a human being. Coming into someone's home and cleaning it is rewarding in itself, but all my clients have (almost) always been grateful for my work, and kind to me. A few clients have even bought me food, which completely floored me

So when I left my gas station job, I started cleaning houses full time. It's exhausting work but it was rewarding, well paying, and something I was good at. That was until I lost some of my business. One client I did frequently moved away , another 2 decided to stop working with me, and another one DIED. So things have been cut down to part time 3 weeks out of the month. Between that and the fact I'm desperate to move away from my crazy family, I started looking for overnight work again. I applied everywhere hiring within a fifteen mile radius, but never heard back from anyone offering night shift(so much for no one wants to work anymore) and that was the only shift I can do so it doesn't interfere with my business. So I talked to my old boss at the gas station and got my job back. I make $12 an hour running the store alone from 10 pm to 6 am, and putting away our delivery trucks twice a week. I just finished week three of being back, and I'm already ready to quit again

I hate dealing with customers, I hate trucks, I hate inconsiderate bosses who schedule me the one day I said I couldn't work cuz of my other job, and I hate just being another cog in the machine

And I hate malfunctioning card readers, don't even get me started on that

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