
Was I unjustly fired ?

Hey may be a little bit of a long story but kind of want to get it all out so you guys get the picture. So I was in between places living at a hotel. After a while of staying there, I was offered a job working the front desk. I did my job “perfectly” from the GM’s own mouth. So around a month passes and I show up to work and our GM (that complimented my work ethic) was fired. I figured “wow, I get the hotel had a few issues but whatever”. The owner and some new person they brought in to be the GM walks in. The owner was very aggressive and loud for no apparent reason. So they explain how they’re “cleaning up the hotel” and stuff. So I figure, cool we need it should be a be beginning. Wrong!!! My new GM calls me down…

Hey may be a little bit of a long story but kind of want to get it all out so you guys get the picture. So I was in between places living at a hotel. After a while of staying there, I was offered a job working the front desk. I did my job “perfectly” from the GM’s own mouth. So around a month passes and I show up to work and our GM (that complimented my work ethic) was fired. I figured “wow, I get the hotel had a few issues but whatever”. The owner and some new person they brought in to be the GM walks in. The owner was very aggressive and loud for no apparent reason. So they explain how they’re “cleaning up the hotel” and stuff. So I figure, cool we need it should be a be beginning. Wrong!!! My new GM calls me down to the office and explains to me and another woman that we must vacate the property because we can’t “live and work there”. Even though neither of our rooms were In our names and we always paid ON TIME with NO DISCOUNTS WHATSOEVER. so he tells us we can keep our jobs but we must leave Sunday. (It was Wednesday) So ffw to the next day, and the owner calls the GM and tells him to terminate us because we lived on property (WHICH WE WERE NEVER TOLD WE COULDN’T). I understand life “isn’t fair” but god something about this has to be wrong right ???!!!

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