
Was invited to an exclusive company Christmas party, turns out they want me to work for free.

Me and a plus 1 were invited to an exclusive managers-only Christmas party and I excitedly RSVP’d for myself and my husband. Found out today that they’d like if I helped with some aspects of the event the night of, but I won’t be paid for it. My boss said “you wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping”. Sooooo just say I’ll be working and not getting paid for it, then Important notes: I am a manager on a small scale, and the manager above me is our regional manager. They get paid significantly more and because I’m the one who does the most for this group of people at my company, I was invited and not her. So not only am I already doing the work of a regional manager, and have been for a long time, I also have not had a raise in 2 years. I have remained…

Me and a plus 1 were invited to an exclusive managers-only Christmas party and I excitedly RSVP’d for myself and my husband. Found out today that they’d like if I helped with some aspects of the event the night of, but I won’t be paid for it. My boss said “you wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping”. Sooooo just say I’ll be working and not getting paid for it, then

Important notes:
I am a manager on a small scale, and the manager above me is our regional manager. They get paid significantly more and because I’m the one who does the most for this group of people at my company, I was invited and not her. So not only am I already doing the work of a regional manager, and have been for a long time, I also have not had a raise in 2 years. I have remained loyal and have stuck through it even with inflation being nuts in my HCOL area.

I rescinded my RSVP today and said I’m unable to make it after all. Genuinely thought I’d get to go and enjoy myself with my husband as a thank you for all my hard work this year.

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