
Was just fired out of nowhere- how the hell do I get unemployment?

I have been at my job for about 8 months now, have gone above & beyond, and have received nothing but praise from my 2 bosses. I recently found out that the other employee makes the same wage as me, despite having zero experience, while I have years of experience in this very niche trade. She was hired because she is good friends with my bosses. I brought this up to the main boss and she agreed, my productivity was much higher, I had much more experience, and the hard work I had been doing deserved a raise. However, after speaking with the other boss, they declined my request for a raise. About 2 weeks after this (yesterday), they brought me in and told me I was being fired due to my productivity going down since I was denied the raise. My last day at work my boss installed a…

I have been at my job for about 8 months now, have gone above & beyond, and have received nothing but praise from my 2 bosses. I recently found out that the other employee makes the same wage as me, despite having zero experience, while I have years of experience in this very niche trade. She was hired because she is good friends with my bosses. I brought this up to the main boss and she agreed, my productivity was much higher, I had much more experience, and the hard work I had been doing deserved a raise. However, after speaking with the other boss, they declined my request for a raise. About 2 weeks after this (yesterday), they brought me in and told me I was being fired due to my productivity going down since I was denied the raise. My last day at work my boss installed a security camera, and she said that the other reason I was being fired is because she saw on the camera that I did not account for my break when logging my hours. While this is true, this happened ONE time, not to mention the countless times I would work more hours & log less (bc im dumb).
Can someone PLEASE help me figure out the best way to win this case for unemployment. I have had zero reprimands and nothing but praise, even yesterday when I was fired one of the bosses said that I have done nothing but great work and he's very grateful for how much I helped. I know that they are going to try to deny the unemployment by using the one day of time theft… is there any way to get around this?? fuck!

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