
Was not payed for final week of work. Advice on how to move forward?

I (20 M) worked with a solar contracting company during the summer. I signed a W-9 and an agreement with the company that said that I will be paid $750/week, so long as I meet the quota. The quota in question is “600 doors knocked/week or 10 appointments made per week”. As the summer progressed my boss became increasingly dissatisfied with the amount of appointments being generated and began talks of firing people. Certain people he would simply stop paying, and just dodge all questions and inquiries about their paychecks. On my last week at the company after the Friday meeting (where we typically receive payment) me and other coworkers noticed that he did not pay us yet. So we confronted him and asked him about our payment for the past week of work. He told us that we would receive our pay for the past week, and then fired…

I (20 M) worked with a solar contracting company during the summer. I signed a W-9 and an agreement with the company that said that I will be paid $750/week, so long as I meet the quota. The quota in question is “600 doors knocked/week or 10 appointments made per week”. As the summer progressed my boss became increasingly dissatisfied with the amount of appointments being generated and began talks of firing people. Certain people he would simply stop paying, and just dodge all questions and inquiries about their paychecks. On my last week at the company after the Friday meeting (where we typically receive payment) me and other coworkers noticed that he did not pay us yet. So we confronted him and asked him about our payment for the past week of work. He told us that we would receive our pay for the past week, and then fired us on the spot. The thing is, he said he would send over the payment and never did. He is no longer responding to any messages and I have still yet to receive payment over the weekend. I have a copy of the agreement I signed with them. Is there any legal recourse I have? This is in southern california. Any help would be appreciated on how I could proceed.

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