
Was promised things would get better and they’re only getting worse

I work for a company that has had a lot of changeover in the last year (both corporate wide and in house). Recently, our GM was fired because after months of her being horrible to customers and employees, using our time as punishments, and charging for things that weren't approved by corporate she was let go. She has already began retaliating by leaving negative reviews which is fine. We're dealing with that. Currently, we have the DM and a GM from another store acting as our current manager. For a week, things were better. Then I came down with a very serious virus and infection that lead me to be hospitalized for 3 days. I went back to work immediately on release though I was still unwell. Yesterday, I attempted to call out as I had a fever, bad cough, and stomach issues. I work in food service so I…

I work for a company that has had a lot of changeover in the last year (both corporate wide and in house). Recently, our GM was fired because after months of her being horrible to customers and employees, using our time as punishments, and charging for things that weren't approved by corporate she was let go. She has already began retaliating by leaving negative reviews which is fine. We're dealing with that.
Currently, we have the DM and a GM from another store acting as our current manager. For a week, things were better. Then I came down with a very serious virus and infection that lead me to be hospitalized for 3 days. I went back to work immediately on release though I was still unwell. Yesterday, I attempted to call out as I had a fever, bad cough, and stomach issues. I work in food service so I was trying to follow health codes. I was told to come in and work anyway. Customers noticed that I was visibly ill and understandably did not want to deal with me. But I was also the only acting manager at the time and was told I had to be there. Towards the end of the night, I realized I required medical attention and told my bosses I need to leave. They told me to just go sit in the prep area away from customers. I told them no. I ended up leaving and going to the hospital again. My oxygen was low and I'm currently on a mask and found out thatmy illness got worse. I let my bosses know. I was meant to open this morning which obviously can't happen. I'm convinced that I'm going to be written up, fired, or assumed to have quit. And honestly at this point, I'm over it. I don't care. Sorry I guess I was just venting

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