
Waste Management is a horrible employer do not work there

I just am going to flat out say it. If you are thinking of taking a job working for Waste Management in particular in their customer service department absolutely positively do not do it i‘ve never felt so undervalued in my life, so over worked and so without support. This company is abhorrent and the level of abuse i receive from the customers because this companies horrible policies are not worth it. Not to mention the micromanagement! Everything is timed down to your “personal time” if you go over 5 minutes that counts against you. Better not spend too much time drinking water or using the bathroom. I thought this job would be less stressful than where I was previously working and was dead wrong. I am happy i left my previous job though but cant wait to leave this one too.

I just am going to flat out say it. If you are thinking of taking a job working for Waste Management in particular in their customer service department absolutely positively do not do it i‘ve never felt so undervalued in my life, so over worked and so without support. This company is abhorrent and the level of abuse i receive from the customers because this companies horrible policies are not worth it. Not to mention the micromanagement! Everything is timed down to your “personal time” if you go over 5 minutes that counts against you. Better not spend too much time drinking water or using the bathroom.

I thought this job would be less stressful than where I was previously working and was dead wrong. I am happy i left my previous job though but cant wait to leave this one too.

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