
Wasting time.

I feel the slow erosion of my soul each day that I waste living a mediocre life. Each day going and doing something that I don't want to do, just to make barely enough money to survive. Instead of having the time/energy to improve my natural gifts, I'm forced to sacrifice them for capitalism. I hate it, I die a little each day. I'm brought to tears by the idea of waking up one day, 35 years old, and living a life where my current dreams are nothing but a memory. I hate how society is set up, I hate that we have to submit ourselves to dehumanizing conditions just to survive. Meanwhile, the Kardashians are making sex tapes and shitty makup lines and spending money with reckless abandon. This isn't life. I'm not a robot, I'm a fucking human being. Fuck rules, fuck having to consistently deny my own…

I feel the slow erosion of my soul each day that I waste living a mediocre life. Each day going and doing something that I don't want to do, just to make barely enough money to survive. Instead of having the time/energy to improve my natural gifts, I'm forced to sacrifice them for capitalism. I hate it, I die a little each day. I'm brought to tears by the idea of waking up one day, 35 years old, and living a life where my current dreams are nothing but a memory. I hate how society is set up, I hate that we have to submit ourselves to dehumanizing conditions just to survive. Meanwhile, the Kardashians are making sex tapes and shitty makup lines and spending money with reckless abandon. This isn't life. I'm not a robot, I'm a fucking human being. Fuck rules, fuck having to consistently deny my own humanity, and fuck jobs. Does anyone else feel me?

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