
Water Breaks

If you read the news, you've seen headlines like this lately. Texas governor signs bill rescinding water breaks as deadly heat grips state Measure will nullify local ordinances that provide workers protection from devastating, triple-digit temperatures (over 38C) One man has already died. This got me to thinking. State law does not supersede federal ADA laws. Can not everyone claim they have a condition that requires they get water breaks? Everybody needs a regular amount of water, especially on hot days. Employers who don't honor this ADA request could get sued in federal court. I'm curious on your thoughts.

If you read the news, you've seen headlines like this lately.
Texas governor signs bill rescinding water breaks as deadly heat grips state Measure will nullify local ordinances that provide workers protection from devastating, triple-digit temperatures (over 38C)
One man has already died.

This got me to thinking. State law does not supersede federal ADA laws. Can not everyone claim they have a condition that requires they get water breaks? Everybody needs a regular amount of water, especially on hot days. Employers who don't honor this ADA request could get sued in federal court.
I'm curious on your thoughts.

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