
Ways to fake or get mild sickness to get a vacations from work?

The title says it. Calling in sick is not that believable anymore, I want something that would work even if inspected by doctor. I tried drinking iodine (Not recommended) to raise my temperature temporarily, but it didn't work. And making yourself puke by any way (drinking salty water, drinking “cig water”, etc) can't be abused because they'll know you're doing it on purpose after a while. I'm thinking maybe there's like a “”safe”” way to get a “”mild bone fracture””. Now it sounds extreme but I have my reasons. I've heard that removing glands is pretty safe and doesn't have any severe future consequences, besides the voice getting a bit more high pitched. Anyone have experience with these stuff?

The title says it.

Calling in sick is not that believable anymore, I want something that would work even if inspected by doctor.

I tried drinking iodine (Not recommended) to raise my temperature temporarily, but it didn't work. And making yourself puke by any way (drinking salty water, drinking “cig water”, etc) can't be abused because they'll know you're doing it on purpose after a while.

I'm thinking maybe there's like a “”safe”” way to get a “”mild bone fracture””. Now it sounds extreme but I have my reasons.

I've heard that removing glands is pretty safe and doesn't have any severe future consequences, besides the voice getting a bit more high pitched.

Anyone have experience with these stuff?

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