
We all just got notified with one day to spare, we were getting 2 weeks off.

I work at a plant that makes luxury items for rich people that require financing. I am in an area known for this industry, and it is a barometer for how the economy is going to go for the rest of the country. Our plant was already facing a week off as a product showcase for our dealers was taking place. In fact, today we got a letter saying there was a family day this coming Thursday, so that we can “see the products we put our hard work into” or some bullshit like that. Then the other shoe dropped. With one day to spare, and no time to plan, we were also given the following week off. We report to work on the 21st instead of the 14th. And to add on, we also get the week of Labor Day off. All unpaid, unless you are sitting on years…

I work at a plant that makes luxury items for rich people that require financing. I am in an area known for this industry, and it is a barometer for how the economy is going to go for the rest of the country. Our plant was already facing a week off as a product showcase for our dealers was taking place. In fact, today we got a letter saying there was a family day this coming Thursday, so that we can “see the products we put our hard work into” or some bullshit like that. Then the other shoe dropped.

With one day to spare, and no time to plan, we were also given the following week off. We report to work on the 21st instead of the 14th. And to add on, we also get the week of Labor Day off. All unpaid, unless you are sitting on years of vacation or bonuses.

I don't want to quit this job, but this will be the the third shutdown since MEMORIAL DAY! It's an old company with some nice products that would benefit from modern marketing ( Social fucking Media) but is stuck in its old ways. It also is the dominant plant in the small town I reside in, and I literally walk a block to work every day. I am too old to job hunt again, and I am going on a year at this place. I am pissed as hell and my gf is going to be up my ass about it.

I would love to have the employees show up on family day like the caddies stormed the Bushwood pool on caddie day, but anyway…beyond pissed they treat people this way.

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