
We are animals

I think too often people forget we are animals. What other animal exists that lives the life we do other than the livestock who are born and killed in their own feces at inhumane numbers. Human beings are animals. We are literally not robots. How do you expect me to be productive when I have to work 40 hours a week to barely have a place to live, a car to drive, and food on my plate and then come home and try to study for my classes. I don't understand how there are people out there who are just okay with this. Or love it. I am so scared and confused about the future if this is literally all it is. Each day filled with dread over my next shift at work. This is why suicide rates are so high. We live to work. We are animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should…

I think too often people forget we are animals. What other animal exists that lives the life we do other than the livestock who are born and killed in their own feces at inhumane numbers.

Human beings are animals. We are literally not robots. How do you expect me to be productive when I have to work 40 hours a week to barely have a place to live, a car to drive, and food on my plate and then come home and try to study for my classes.

I don't understand how there are people out there who are just okay with this. Or love it. I am so scared and confused about the future if this is literally all it is. Each day filled with dread over my next shift at work. This is why suicide rates are so high. We live to work.

We are animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should not be life!!!! I feel like I am going crazy

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