
We are at an Inflection Point

We are at an inflection point in this country. Home prices, mortgages, and inflation have and are continuing to crush American workers, as the corporate executives live lavish lifestyles. This current time period harkens back to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s, where a handful of families and much of the wealth in the US where immigrants and the working class lived in cramped conditions, just trying to get by. Workers in the USA need to rise up more and demand more from the corporatists and ruling class.

We are at an inflection point in this country. Home prices, mortgages, and inflation have and are continuing to crush American workers, as the corporate executives live lavish lifestyles. This current time period harkens back to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s, where a handful of families and much of the wealth in the US where immigrants and the working class lived in cramped conditions, just trying to get by. Workers in the USA need to rise up more and demand more from the corporatists and ruling class.

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