
We are doing it all wrong

No idea if this is the right place to post…just feel like this is the “things wrong with society on a systematic level” in my head. So much in this post…sum: everything is connected. So much of what we react to is not what we should be reacting to. We are treating “mental diseases” all wrong. There isn't anything to “fix”. The question we should be asking is “what do you see?” And ADHD, autistic, schizophrenic people might not be able to answer you “normally”. Normally being our shitty words…which for me personally, take my mental images, convert to words with my own connotations, listener hears, applies their connotations, and interpret to their own mind model (visual, word, idk how many other versions… probably millions). All of this to say words are often the most effective means of communication…but they fucking suck. How many words to describe a picture? A…

No idea if this is the right place to post…just feel like this is the “things wrong with society on a systematic level” in my head.

So much in this post…sum: everything is connected. So much of what we react to is not what we should be reacting to.

We are treating “mental diseases” all wrong. There isn't anything to “fix”. The question we should be asking is “what do you see?” And ADHD, autistic, schizophrenic people might not be able to answer you “normally”. Normally being our shitty words…which for me personally, take my mental images, convert to words with my own connotations, listener hears, applies their connotations, and interpret to their own mind model (visual, word, idk how many other versions… probably millions).
All of this to say words are often the most effective means of communication…but they fucking suck. How many words to describe a picture? A thousand? Shit that's just one image, not the series that describes “the topic”. The fuck you mean you expect a shy, non-confident, super self conscious (cuz they're literally ON ANOTHER LEVEL) individual try to explain the thing sthey have visually observed for X[insert age] number of years…
Short of being blind or visually impaired, we are all visual learners. We see and we do. Monkey see, monkey do. (Hate to break it to y'all, we are just fucking monkeys. All animals to the core, no matter how much anyone tries to convince you otherwise. Corner a human and they react the same as a cornered dog/cat/racoon/[insert any living being with cognition])
ADHD is not a disease, it's a failure of the education system to foster the amazing abilities within children's minds. Let kids express themselves and they do AMAZING things. Honestly everyone does. The key? Passion. Give a shit about something and people will. Literally. Lay. Down. Their. Life. That's passion on a scale of course, but people do “irrational” things when passionate. People spend thousands on passion projects EVERYWHERE. It's the main thing economics lacks. It can't account for passion. Passion FUCKS economics models. I spend 1/3 the purchase price of my Miata on paint protection…my car isn't suddenly worth 4/3 it was before…but I'm fucking happy watching the water act hydrophobic to the ceramic coating! It's not “logical” but thats what makes me happy. To tie this aside up, most people are not fortunate as myself, and literally cannot afford to be passionate. Our system, in the world's richest country, has squeezed the majority of people from being able to afford a passion project. People can barely keep their heads above water financially, let alone “do what they want in life”.

To come back to mental health…stop popping fucking pills. Give people outlets. Ask how they feel. Listen to the “different ones”. They don't see the world wrong, it's just different (sometimes in the most amazing ways) and if we listen enough we can hear and interpret those ideas.
ADHD is just our minds next evolution to realize the hundreds or thousands of things we have to keep in mind. Provide STRUCTURE and that becomes a literal fucking superpower. You can keep so many things in mind, and with math you can predict where all those things will be in the future. No joke you can “predict” the future. It's how we know when eclipses will come. Just add layers of complexity, extra variables(all those things those ADHD kids are keeping in mind), and suddenly you have a mathematical model that can predict…whatever you provide input variables for.

Lol no idea if any of this makes sense to anyone else but I think there are so many people walking around like zombies with these dormant powers.

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