
We don’t need a Women’s General Strike.

We should absolutely have one. But it shouldn't just be about Roe. We asked for an inch and got less than nothing. We should shut down the country and demand the full mile. Medicare for all. Paid paternity/maternity leave. Better wages. Parental leave. Paid time off. Paid sick time. And not that bull shit one week a year. Voting rights and especially something like ranked choice. Justice reform. Legalize marijuana and expunge records. Fix it all and keep the screws turned until we get what we're owed. Don't stop at the first sign of concessions like how it always happens. Keep the pressure on until they beg for mercy, than tell them you want more.

We should absolutely have one. But it shouldn't just be about Roe. We asked for an inch and got less than nothing. We should shut down the country and demand the full mile. Medicare for all. Paid paternity/maternity leave. Better wages. Parental leave. Paid time off. Paid sick time. And not that bull shit one week a year. Voting rights and especially something like ranked choice. Justice reform. Legalize marijuana and expunge records. Fix it all and keep the screws turned until we get what we're owed. Don't stop at the first sign of concessions like how it always happens. Keep the pressure on until they beg for mercy, than tell them you want more.

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