
We have to believe in change

This is going to sound delusional and naive to many of you. I appreciate the cynicism with everything that happens in the world. I am no stranger to suffering and cruelty. However try and warm those iced over hearts for a moment as I attempt to expound on how cynicism isn't smart, even if it's logical. Cynicism sucks because it's a defense mechanism of learned helplessness in the face of a crushing system. You accept that things are bad and will go badly in the future because having hope hurts. To get through this crushing hellscape intact we kill off the hopeful feelings because it's untenable to keep them. It works on an individual level because you hurt less while trying to survive in this world. Your beliefs about the world line up with what you see. However it leaves us collectively in a problem. It's the same problem that…

This is going to sound delusional and naive to many of you. I appreciate the cynicism with everything that happens in the world. I am no stranger to suffering and cruelty.

However try and warm those iced over hearts for a moment as I attempt to expound on how cynicism isn't smart, even if it's logical.

Cynicism sucks because it's a defense mechanism of learned helplessness in the face of a crushing system. You accept that things are bad and will go badly in the future because having hope hurts. To get through this crushing hellscape intact we kill off the hopeful feelings because it's untenable to keep them.

It works on an individual level because you hurt less while trying to survive in this world. Your beliefs about the world line up with what you see.

However it leaves us collectively in a problem. It's the same problem that you'd experience being cynical about personal improvement. If you don't believe that you can change and improve, then you won't. Weight loss for example takes extraordinary effort and you cannot accomplish it going into it with the attitude you won't succeed.

Same with moving beyond what we have now. If you hate this system then it's an imperative you believe in change being possible. Your cynicism protects you but not nearly as much as collective optimism would save us all.

In many ways this is a call to be extraordinarily brave. Hold onto hope for change like a god damn fool. Never give up the idea we can move beyond capitalism because we only do when a critical mass of us collectively believe we can. Not because it seems possible right now but because the only way to make it possible is to grow collective belief. And if it's based on nothing but will, that's enough.

It's like tinkerbell, it only exists with your belief. Stop feeding capitalist tinkerbell by fearing them and rolling over and accepting their dominance, pump up comrade tinkerbell by believing we can change and create something new together.

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