
We need a revolution in the USA and Canada

Just flat out require the overthrow of these governments on a state/provincial and federal level. There is absolutely no viable way to properly change these countries without forcefully removing the current powers. You can't vote away corruption and bribery because those that would be voting to do so have no intention of ever doing so. We need a democratic socialist takeover, to either install a sweeping list of major reforms at every single administrative level, or need a complete reset. So we should be arming ourselves, forming trained left wing militias, getting ourselves and those around us motivated educated, doing charity work to help those affected, gathering funds to support efforts, gaining support of current dissenting politicians, military officials, and soldiers. We then must begin forming massive groups of protesters in every major city to engage in civil disobedience, protest outside of the city halls, outside of schools and universities,…

Just flat out require the overthrow of these governments on a state/provincial and federal level. There is absolutely no viable way to properly change these countries without forcefully removing the current powers. You can't vote away corruption and bribery because those that would be voting to do so have no intention of ever doing so. We need a democratic socialist takeover, to either install a sweeping list of major reforms at every single administrative level, or need a complete reset.

So we should be arming ourselves, forming trained left wing militias, getting ourselves and those around us motivated educated, doing charity work to help those affected, gathering funds to support efforts, gaining support of current dissenting politicians, military officials, and soldiers. We then must begin forming massive groups of protesters in every major city to engage in civil disobedience, protest outside of the city halls, outside of schools and universities, outside of police stations, and shut down all commerce and basic infrastructure.

Every person involved needs to also understand the sacrifices our ancestors made and how their efforts are squandered and being undone by the elite. The USA was founded by engaging In a revolution/rebellion against a corrupt government. Even the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan were founded by doing the same. It's not a ridiculous thing to suggest. It doesn't have to mean a brutal bloody conflict, but would undoubtedly have to be violent. And it's pure propaganda that these governments have tried to convince the public that a revolution would be impossible. It isn't.

Living standards are insanely low. A tiny handful of people control the majority of wealth and power in these countries. We also are dealing with climate change: a problem that will result in mass extinction if not stopped, remedied or prepared for. Normal democratic processes take far too long to succeed and some of those processes, such as the aforementioned reduction of political corruption would be impossible. We needed to revolt decades ago, so its high time we do so.

I myself find it impossible to get a leg up financially because the taxes on the lower classes are tiered in a way that makes it difficult to escape. If you get a job that pays $5 to $10/per hour more, you will quickly find issues that make that increase negligible, such as cost of goods and services, rental rates, cost of buying a home, increased taxes on the poor and Middle class. I am past my threshold now where it's no longer worth doing many of the jobs society provides.My frustration is at an all time maximum. So I am willing to drop everything the moment it's clear enough people are going to take action and protest. We have a historically supported right to protest and a right to overthrow corrupt regimes, that our ancestors fought and died to gain.

Who else agrees? Obviously the logistics of doing this and what comes after are things I can only lightly speculate about. It takes a nation of people to build a nation. No single person can or ever has done so. There are an enormous amount of intelligent and educated people that feel the same way I do or similarly. There are many organizations and speakers that advocate for this solution or at least altering the material conditions in a way that makes it more possible, such as unifying labour movements and pushing for unionization of industries.

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