
We need to do something.

This group complains all the time. From horrible working conditions, bosses, student loans, all of it. Especially how the system is rigged against us. Don’t misunderstand, I totally agree with all the complaints. But, we as a nation need to do something. The right tried and failed with January 6th. But they at least tried. What have we got? A moderator who went on Fox, got ridiculed, and had the sub shut down for a short time. I don’t know what to do, but we need to do something, anything. Massive work stoppage? Interstate highway blocking? Anything.

This group complains all the time. From horrible working conditions, bosses, student loans, all of it. Especially how the system is rigged against us. Don’t misunderstand, I totally agree with all the complaints. But, we as a nation need to do something.

The right tried and failed with January 6th. But they at least tried. What have we got? A moderator who went on Fox, got ridiculed, and had the sub shut down for a short time.

I don’t know what to do, but we need to do something, anything. Massive work stoppage? Interstate highway blocking? Anything.

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