
“We offer childcare reimbursement” “I don’t have children, what benefits do you offer in lieu for your childless employees?”

“Well, in the future….” “In the future I still plan to be childless. So since you are offering in essence a $1200+ bonus every month to your employees with children, what are your childless employees offered in lieu of this benefit?” No one ever has an answer. Am I way off base thinking this? And is it not gross to assume that all women have or want to have children?

“Well, in the future….”
“In the future I still plan to be childless. So since you are offering in essence a $1200+ bonus every month to your employees with children, what are your childless employees offered in lieu of this benefit?”

No one ever has an answer. Am I way off base thinking this? And is it not gross to assume that all women have or want to have children?

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