
We (the entire tech team) quit pt. 2

Hello again, So a follow-up to my old post about how I managed to leave my old job that was paying me half the competitive rate for something better. It's been a little over a year and the new job has been going well so far. Currently hybrid but the company is giving more leniency for remote work and even closing some offices to facilitate that. So updates about the previous job: I mentioned this in my original post but things got so bad I demanded a raise for double to meet market standards and they said they wouldn't be able to ever afford half of that but when I turned in my notice, immediately that day they posted my job listing for exactly that. They ended up hiring a replacement but he left within a year and no replacement posting has been made so I believe they've given up…

Hello again,

So a follow-up to my old post about how I managed to leave my old job that was paying me half the competitive rate for something better. It's been a little over a year and the new job has been going well so far. Currently hybrid but the company is giving more leniency for remote work and even closing some offices to facilitate that.

So updates about the previous job:

I mentioned this in my original post but things got so bad I demanded a raise for double to meet market standards and they said they wouldn't be able to ever afford half of that but when I turned in my notice, immediately that day they posted my job listing for exactly that. They ended up hiring a replacement but he left within a year and no replacement posting has been made so I believe they've given up on trying to rehire and are contracting everything out for even more money.

I had to do lots of things outside of my job description as a software dev. Lots of it was clerical work but I had to cover for their one customer support agent while he was on vacation for a week and a year later I still get calls on my personal cell from customers needing support. The first few times I would get in touch with my former coworkers whenever I got a call to keep them in the loop. I left on mostly good terms and am still in personal contact with some nice people from there. However a few employees would hard leave me on read when I notified them. Not even a basic 'thank you' so there is still bitterness about me leaving. I just redirected clients to their support line at that point without making any personal follow-ups. A courtesy I still wouldn't have minded doing to this day if there wasn't so much salt about me leaving for something better.

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