
We worked remote for three years and now we are required to be in 4 days a week while the entire headquarters is being demoed/reconstructed

After working remote for three years, we are now being required to come into the office for days a week per corporate guidelines. For the next three years, our headquarters is in the process of demolition and reconstruction. Almost everyone is being impacted by noise of workers in the ceiling, walls being torn down, jackhammers going, the constant dust and debris, and the windows have been blocked off, barring any natural light in the office. There have been so many emails thanking us for our patience with the noise and construction, and to keep moving forward working in office BUT if some days are harder than others get permission from your supervisor to work from home for that day but to please make an effort to come in. Oh and they keep emailing saying “we are monitoring the air quality and will let you know if there are any changes”.…

After working remote for three years, we are now being required to come into the office for days a week per corporate guidelines. For the next three years, our headquarters is in the process of demolition and reconstruction. Almost everyone is being impacted by noise of workers in the ceiling, walls being torn down, jackhammers going, the constant dust and debris, and the windows have been blocked off, barring any natural light in the office. There have been so many emails thanking us for our patience with the noise and construction, and to keep moving forward working in office BUT if some days are harder than others get permission from your supervisor to work from home for that day but to please make an effort to come in. Oh and they keep emailing saying “we are monitoring the air quality and will let you know if there are any changes”. Our walls are being replaced with plastic sheets, there is dust everywhere and the water fountains are now cloudy but they are “monitoring it”.


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