
Weird “personal history” form

Okay so this is from a job I applied and interviewed for back in the end of 2022. They asked me to fill this out as part of the application. It starts pretty normal, but I was weirded out by the financial section. Also, they wanted to know information about my spouse, any kids, and what I do each day of the week OUTSIDE of work. It was for a life insurance company so I feel like they were going to try and sell insurance to ME when I was there for a job. I emailed them back after this and told them I was no longer interested.

Okay so this is from a job I applied and interviewed for back in the end of 2022. They asked me to fill this out as part of the application. It starts pretty normal, but I was weirded out by the financial section. Also, they wanted to know information about my spouse, any kids, and what I do each day of the week OUTSIDE of work. It was for a life insurance company so I feel like they were going to try and sell insurance to ME when I was there for a job. I emailed them back after this and told them I was no longer interested.

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