
Weird Practices my Boss Does

I just started working at a small-town gas station (like 5 buildings that aren't houses small.) I just found out that my boss wants us to wait a week after every paycheck to cash the check because of some weird reason about not having enough money to pay all of us, there is only 10 employees. The boss also runs another business other than the gas station and the employees there have to wait until we have enough money in the cash registers to then cash their checks over at the gas station. The systems we use are also so outdated that we have to put physical labels on every single item in the store because the register will not ring it up half the time. Even employees that have been there for 3 years still struggle to do anything other than basic checkouts for gas or other items because…

I just started working at a small-town gas station (like 5 buildings that aren't houses small.) I just found out that my boss wants us to wait a week after every paycheck to cash the check because of some weird reason about not having enough money to pay all of us, there is only 10 employees. The boss also runs another business other than the gas station and the employees there have to wait until we have enough money in the cash registers to then cash their checks over at the gas station. The systems we use are also so outdated that we have to put physical labels on every single item in the store because the register will not ring it up half the time. Even employees that have been there for 3 years still struggle to do anything other than basic checkouts for gas or other items because of how complicated and outdated the systems are. We are forced to memorize a long list of 50+ people who will only pay in checks and some of those people we are not allowed to take checks from because they have bounced in the past. The store section of the gas station also has a weird system of getting orders delivered by some companies that deliver very specific items, but most of the items some employee is nominated to go to Walmart after their shift ends to go buy. I'm not talking about getting some small or weird items either, I am talking about literally half the items from the store have to be bought from Walmart because the boss does not want to pay the delivery fee. Only very specific or bulky items ever get delivered, like cases of beer or produce. I heard the boss gives the employee who has to pick things up some bonus for doing so, but the employees who have been nominated have never been happy, especially since the nearest Walmart is over an hour away. The only reason I am working here is because my parents said that the boss was nice to work for, and they are a nice person, but I cannot stand the systems and other weird things we have to do because they refuse to modernize. I am already thinking about applying to the dollar store that was recently built nearby and I haven't even been here two weeks. I am also not one to job hop, I was hoping I would be working here for a few years like my last job, but I am just tired of dealing with outdated systems or business practices that would've been normal 40 years ago.

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