
Weird vibes from my boss/ colleagues.

Hi guys, Lately I’ve been getting weird vibes from my boss and colleagues and quite frankly I’m not sure where it’s stemming from and what to do about it. I feel like I am a model employee, I go above and beyond and have even contributed to projects outside of my role. I do feel like I’m a good candidate for a promotion in the near future, but I’m kind of second guessing my chances now since it seems like she just doesn’t like me and is trying to stifle my growth and any new opportunities that may come way in this company. I will admit I have a strong personality, but I have never overstepped my boundaries or my role. I’ve always asked for extra work, projects just because I genuinely enjoy what I do. Her last couple emails have been curt and stern whereas previously she would be…

Hi guys,

Lately I’ve been getting weird vibes from my boss and colleagues and quite frankly I’m not sure where it’s stemming from and what to do about it. I feel like I am a model employee, I go above and beyond and have even contributed to projects outside of my role. I do feel like I’m a good candidate for a promotion in the near future, but I’m kind of second guessing my chances now since it seems like she just doesn’t like me and is trying to stifle my growth and any new opportunities that may come way in this company.

I will admit I have a strong personality, but I have never overstepped my boundaries or my role. I’ve always asked for extra work, projects just because I genuinely enjoy what I do.

Her last couple emails have been curt and stern whereas previously she would be friendly and make an attempt to be nice.

I should also mention that I was in the talks for a promotion a few months ago and she downplayed the projects that I did and my skills in general to my boss which made me lose out on the promotion. A lesser qualified individual got the role because she was liked better. This individual continues to suck, but now I need to relay information to them and it affects my work in that specific area.

My supervisor has also copied my work and publicly shared it without giving me any credit. Granted it was something that I reviewed and I just organized it into a chart, so it was nothing that I created or my ideas or anything.

Additionally, her boss likes me and honestly I would say I am steps ahead of my colleagues but that’s just because I’ve put in the effort to learn my role and develop my skill sets.

As I said previously, I have a strong personality so this isn’t really fazing me that much and I almost want to stay to spite her.
I work from home most of the time so it’s not like I’m directly affected or have to interact with her or my colleagues on a daily basis/ in-person.

How do I maneuver this? Should I stay and wait for an opening to transition to a new role, maybe even new dept? I really like working from home and my job and my dept is one out of 2 depts that work remotely in my company. What would you do?

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