
Well guess seniority doesn’t matter anymore

I’m working a retail job selling furniture. We have showrooms all over the country and inside Best Buy’s. Anyways I’m inside the Best Buy we are a third party. Well basically five employees total. All part time and a manager of the showroom. Anyhow full time position open up for salesperson at are showroom and I applied for it. She ends up sending a girl who is 8 months pregnant and potentially not coming back to the second phase of the process and not me. This girl has been here one month and I’ve been there 5 months. Nobody else in the showroom applied for full time except us two. Explain to me how this makes sense I know it’s favoritism and I’ll be honest it’s harder for me as a man to get a sale or get quotes as opposed to the woman I don’t know why I can…

I’m working a retail job selling furniture. We have showrooms all over the country and inside Best Buy’s. Anyways I’m inside the Best Buy we are a third party. Well basically five employees total. All part time and a manager of the showroom. Anyhow full time position open up for salesperson at are showroom and I applied for it. She ends up sending a girl who is 8 months pregnant and potentially not coming back to the second phase of the process and not me. This girl has been here one month and I’ve been there 5 months. Nobody else in the showroom applied for full time except us two. Explain to me how this makes sense I know it’s favoritism and I’ll be honest it’s harder for me as a man to get a sale or get quotes as opposed to the woman I don’t know why I can just tell. I work my hardest and have always tried my best. I didn’t have the best performance review recently because I questioned why I was being given extra tasks that are not for my role. So I guess that’s the only reason but if people like there butt kissed I ain’t doing it. Sorry for the rant folks I have no idea anymore what is wrong with jobs but there out of control. It’s part time making 15 an hour and you as a manager want to get your butt kissed no thanks. Honestly needed the money and this girl doesn’t trust on that.

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