
Well guys, Got fired today for standing up for myself.

Yea so pretty much I got fired for refusing to work with a known drug user at work. My boss called it complaining, I call it standing up for myself. For some background, I am in recovery as a former addict/alcoholic(boss is fully aware of this) and I made it clear to my boss these certain conditions when I came to work for him. He is your common garden variety southern conservative contractor. We all know them. Small business owner, cheap, greedy, hateful, under pays every employee he has, refers to employees as “soldiers” or the “team.” I have struggled over the years with standing up for myself but not this time. I put up with the shit for 2 years and made a stand and left work early and told him this is unacceptable and I will not be put in this situation again…. Then he fired me. Honestly,…

Yea so pretty much I got fired for refusing to work with a known drug user at work. My boss called it complaining, I call it standing up for myself. For some background, I am in recovery as a former addict/alcoholic(boss is fully aware of this) and I made it clear to my boss these certain conditions when I came to work for him. He is your common garden variety southern conservative contractor. We all know them. Small business owner, cheap, greedy, hateful, under pays every employee he has, refers to employees as “soldiers” or the “team.” I have struggled over the years with standing up for myself but not this time. I put up with the shit for 2 years and made a stand and left work early and told him this is unacceptable and I will not be put in this situation again…. Then he fired me. Honestly, it’s a fucking huge relief to be out of there. Then of course he tries to make it seem like I wasn’t doing my job well and customers were complaining blah blah blah. Whatever, this is me letting it go. It’s not that important and I’m better off not working there anymore in such a shitty work environment anyways.

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