
Well this is a new interview move I’ve never seen before

I applied for this job a bit ago. Had a screening interview with HR, then a week later an interview with my would-be supervisor, all went well. Then had a follow up interview with 2 colleagues a few days later, went great. I get a call from the HR lady, and she says the VP of the company wants to speak with me. I think, sure whatever, kind of dragging this out. So I ask about their timeline for this job, and she says “Well we want to hire somebody soon, and we had it down to 2 people, now it's down to 1”. I say “So it was 2 people, now I'm the only candidate left? But the VP wants to talk to me?” and she says “Yes”. Like, okay but if I'm the final candidate give me the fucking job. I meet with him, normal interview I think.…

I applied for this job a bit ago. Had a screening interview with HR, then a week later an interview with my would-be supervisor, all went well. Then had a follow up interview with 2 colleagues a few days later, went great. I get a call from the HR lady, and she says the VP of the company wants to speak with me. I think, sure whatever, kind of dragging this out.

So I ask about their timeline for this job, and she says “Well we want to hire somebody soon, and we had it down to 2 people, now it's down to 1”. I say “So it was 2 people, now I'm the only candidate left? But the VP wants to talk to me?” and she says “Yes”.

Like, okay but if I'm the final candidate give me the fucking job.

I meet with him, normal interview I think. I send a follow up email the next day to everyone I spoke with to say thank you. I wait a week and said a follow up Email to just the HR lady I was speaking with asking if there is an update (since they said they wanted to move fast).

Then today, this is what I get back. So you have your person then decide to just close the position, change it, and re-open it? Waste of time!

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