
Went off on my boss about lack of communication

My workplace has crappy communication and my boss is to blame, so two days ago I point blank told him so, with everyone around. He tried to give excuses and justifications and I was having none of it. At the end of my rant, he said I was right, but I know not a damn thing will change. Why do I even care? I have come to realize I hate it here. Oh and he is such a lack luster of a manager that I know I won't be disciplined for my unprofessional outburst. All any management seems to care about is making production.

My workplace has crappy communication and my boss is to blame, so two days ago I point blank told him so, with everyone around.
He tried to give excuses and justifications and I was having none of it.
At the end of my rant, he said I was right, but I know not a damn thing will change.
Why do I even care? I have come to realize I hate it here.
Oh and he is such a lack luster of a manager that I know I won't be disciplined for my unprofessional outburst. All any management seems to care about is making production.

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