
WFH for Some but not for All

Hi, looking for hot takes on a particular situation. A coworker had a family issue last Spring and moved 5 states away. The issue was on her husband's side. She is friendly with my boss and has a significant work load. My boss got permission from on high for her to work from home permanently. It was explained to us that this was a one time exception that would not be granted in the future. At the time we were all still pretty much WFH and though the unequal treatment bothered me I sat there and ate it. Since Labor Day, the rest of the department is now required to come in twice a week. So now, it's really bothering me that she gets special treatment while I have to make the schlepp and hire someone to pick up my kids from school now. More power to her, I just…

Hi, looking for hot takes on a particular situation. A coworker had a family issue last Spring and moved 5 states away. The issue was on her husband's side. She is friendly with my boss and has a significant work load. My boss got permission from on high for her to work from home permanently. It was explained to us that this was a one time exception that would not be granted in the future. At the time we were all still pretty much WFH and though the unequal treatment bothered me I sat there and ate it. Since Labor Day, the rest of the department is now required to come in twice a week. So now, it's really bothering me that she gets special treatment while I have to make the schlepp and hire someone to pick up my kids from school now. More power to her, I just want to be treated equally. There's no company wide policy, it's dept. by dept. Roughly 10k ppl globally, not a small company. I was ok coming in once a week but this twice a week thing is really sucking hard. It's a 90 min. commute for me each way. I know others have it worse but I can't believe I used to do it 5 days a week. I guess it all comes down to leverage and negotiating and nobody knows but me all the politics and what I may or may not be able to get accommodated but has anybody else encountered this? It eats at me every day I go in and I get more and more resentful. I feel like she should have been given a year to find another job and we'd hire someone and train them up in the meantime. Wasn't my call though and now it's a two-tiered system that aggravates me greatly. I assume they could still let me go if I went against the twice a week policy even though others have different arrangements. It's unfair but probably not illegal? I dunno, just sucks and I'm not happy about it. Should probably just find another job I know. If only it were that easy.

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