
WFH optional until it’s not?

Currently having some issues with my boss. We’re a satellite district to a bigger office the next city over. Basically, my boss runs the show at our district with very few people checking her. I took this job being told working from home would be offered occasionally, under the guise to give more autonomy if “life” happened preventing an in office appearance. Everyone in the office, except for me, works from home 2-3 days a week. I’m typically in the office every day because I prefer the set up there to my office at home. So, I’ve never been cheeky about asking to work from home… I’m not even sure I’ve asked more than once. Next week though, I have to take my car in to fix something with the engine. The shop said it would be about two days to fix. I have to drop it off at 1:30…

Currently having some issues with my boss. We’re a satellite district to a bigger office the next city over. Basically, my boss runs the show at our district with very few people checking her.

I took this job being told working from home would be offered occasionally, under the guise to give more autonomy if “life” happened preventing an in office appearance. Everyone in the office, except for me, works from home 2-3 days a week. I’m typically in the office every day because I prefer the set up there to my office at home.

So, I’ve never been cheeky about asking to work from home… I’m not even sure I’ve asked more than once. Next week though, I have to take my car in to fix something with the engine. The shop said it would be about two days to fix. I have to drop it off at 1:30 (the latest time offered) and my boss said I could finish the rest of the day from home.

I asked about the other two days, or even just the next day, since I wouldn’t have a car, and she scoffed and said “absolutely not”. I explained I wouldn’t have a car, and would have to take Uber (we have no public transportation)- she said since I was out of PTO I could take an unpaid day off. I can’t really afford that either (already grossly underpaid and searching for a new job). I worked it out with my dad, and he’ll drive me to/from work (totaling 2.5 hours of his day). I’m sad he has to do that but he doesn’t want me in a financial bind because of this person’s power trip.

I guess I’m curious what everyone else’s WFH allowance is. This seems like a pretty legitimate reason to approve WFH (especially since it’s approved for the half day before). There is quite literally no reason I need to be in office- my meetings are all virtual, as is my work. I should also say, my boss is a control freak and has me filling in my calendar, minute by minute, every detail of my day. She herself is quite lazy though, surprisingly, and the district isn’t doing well, so I’m expecting her to toss me under the bus during her end of year reviews. I’m looking forward to the day I can slide my resignation on to her desk.

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