
What a waste of time

Check this out. I am actually offended by this generic email I got instead of a proper interview request. In my field, this kind of thing just isn't done. We work with people, so up to 3 interviews is standard, but none of this silly skills assessment BS. My response is below. “Thank you so much for submitting your application to join our network. We have looked at the details of your application and professional fit, and we would like to move forward with the process, which will consist of the following steps. Aptitude Assessment (15 mins). It measures an individual's aptitude and ability to solve problems, digest and apply information, learn new skills, and think critically. Individuals with high aptitude are more likely to be quick learners and high performers than individuals with low aptitude. Screening Assessment (approx 10 min). The goal of this assessment is to get enough insight…

Check this out. I am actually offended by this generic email I got instead of a proper interview request. In my field, this kind of thing just isn't done. We work with people, so up to 3 interviews is standard, but none of this silly skills assessment BS. My response is below.

“Thank you so much for submitting your application to join our network. We have looked at the details of your application and professional fit, and we would like to move forward with the process, which will consist of the following steps.

  • Aptitude Assessment (15 mins). It measures an individual's aptitude and ability to solve problems, digest and apply information, learn new skills, and think critically. Individuals with high aptitude are more likely to be quick learners and high performers than individuals with low aptitude.
  • Screening Assessment (approx 10 min). The goal of this assessment is to get enough insight into your technical fit for the role.
  • Real Work Scenario (105 min). This will be a more thorough assessment of your skills, knowledge, and behaviors required to perform the role.
  • Technical Interview (30 mins). This will be a deep technical interview with one of our Hiring Managers. We will explore your skills in-depth while discussing more specialized topics.

Please, be confident that we are conscious of your time and take your application very seriously. We have designed our screening process to be as short and efficient as possible, and we won’t make you waste time on any assessments or interviews that are not reviewed in detail and are not absolutely necessary for us to get the right level of insight into your skills.

You can complete the first assessment with the link below to move on with the process.

Aptitude Assessment (15 min)

Please**,** make sure to complete each assessment using the same email address as used on your application.


Please note that it is essential to submit your assessment before the designated time expires in order for your test results to be saved. We highly recommend that you manage your time carefully during the test and complete all questions within the allotted time. Failure to submit before the time expires may result in your responses being lost. We appreciate your time and efforts throughout the selection process.

To better ensure the quality of our selection process, the total window of time for submitting the mentioned assessments is 18 days. If we do not hear from you after this time, your application will be rejected automatically.

Thank you for the time on your application, and we look forward to talking to you soon!

Best regards,

Recruiting Team”


Like, not even a real person to talk to! I hope my response actually gets to someone. This is for a company that has terrible reviews, no direction, and a toxic culture according to their glassdoor reviews.

“Hi there,

Thanks very much for reaching out. I would like to withdraw my candidacy after reading reviews of your company, and this egregious use of time for a senior CSM. We do not need to do these kinds of “assessments” for our jobs as we are not developers, nor handle coding. You may want to rethink your hiring process and make it a little more people-first.”

What a gross process. I'm senior in my field and this is just so wrong, especially for a Canadian company and the salary they were offering.

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