
What are some jobs where I wouldn’t be missed?

Like if I got the job, its so menial or simple that nobody would even notice if I showed up to clock in, make and appearance, then disappear. Or better yet, they would never notice if I never came in at all? Okay, for those 100+ that have seen this, but not commented prior to this edit, here is some context: I need money. I have a 9-5 right now. I work overtime for 3 years and still have only made a tiny dent in my debt. I have massive medical bills and crippling debt from putting so much of those medical bills on credit card. Student loans aren't helping either. I bring in plenty, but the amount that goes out is just sickening. (And it's not on luxury items or frivolous things either). I want to continue working my current job, but then be clocking in at another job…

Like if I got the job, its so menial or simple that nobody would even notice if I showed up to clock in, make and appearance, then disappear. Or better yet, they would never notice if I never came in at all?

Okay, for those 100+ that have seen this, but not commented prior to this edit, here is some context:

I need money. I have a 9-5 right now. I work overtime for 3 years and still have only made a tiny dent in my debt. I have massive medical bills and crippling debt from putting so much of those medical bills on credit card. Student loans aren't helping either.

I bring in plenty, but the amount that goes out is just sickening. (And it's not on luxury items or frivolous things either).

I want to continue working my current job, but then be clocking in at another job (idgaf what the wage is) and not actually working it. Just be on the clock two places at once.

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