
What are some things I can do to be a better employer?

I have my pizza business and I pay my employees $2 above minimum wage. I work with their schedule and inform them of their shifts 2 weeks in advance. If anyone calls in sick, I personally find a replacement. If anyone works slow, I will train them or shuffle them to other positions. I reimburse them for their fuel based on their vehicles MPG, or a flat rate at their convinience. I tolerate consistant tardiness up to 15 minutes. I hire people reliant on public transport and they occasionally come a hour late due to delays, thats okay, it happens. I pay my employees, on average, $80 per shift (5 hours). I myself only earn about $200 in profit daily. What can I do to be a better employer?

I have my pizza business and I pay my employees $2 above minimum wage. I work with their schedule and inform them of their shifts 2 weeks in advance.

If anyone calls in sick, I personally find a replacement.

If anyone works slow, I will train them or shuffle them to other positions.

I reimburse them for their fuel based on their vehicles MPG, or a flat rate at their convinience.

I tolerate consistant tardiness up to 15 minutes. I hire people reliant on public transport and they occasionally come a hour late due to delays, thats okay, it happens.

I pay my employees, on average, $80 per shift (5 hours). I myself only earn about $200 in profit daily.

What can I do to be a better employer?

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