
What are the best excuses to call in to work a day early?

I have work tomorrow but I’m planning to call in right now to give a proper heads up to my manager. I just feel like calling in the day of is worse than giving at least a nights heads up. I was thinking of saying my mom lives by herself and she has a dryer delivery in place for tomorrow and she’s scared to be home by herself or something in the lines of that. Thank you for the help. Also the last time I called sick was 2-3 months ago…

I have work tomorrow but I’m planning to call in right now to give a proper heads up to my manager. I just feel like calling in the day of is worse than giving at least a nights heads up. I was thinking of saying my mom lives by herself and she has a dryer delivery in place for tomorrow and she’s scared to be home by herself or something in the lines of that. Thank you for the help. Also the last time I called sick was 2-3 months ago…

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