
What are we doing?!

How are we allowing the current state of things to just go on? It sounds so cliche when people say “we’re in the Matrix”, but holy fuck we really are. I can’t find an ounce of happiness in the justification that we should be working 8-10 hours a day to barely make it by. What the f happened to solidarity in the United States? In the world? Why are we not in the streets protesting? Everyone just goes about their day fully complicit and okay with our reality. There are people with billions of dollars, literal pallets of money, walking around and taking private jets, while others struggle and starve. How the f can we be so selfish and comfortable? Have we become that sedated? The American dream is dead. We are modern day slaves.

How are we allowing the current state of things to just go on? It sounds so cliche when people say “we’re in the Matrix”, but holy fuck we really are. I can’t find an ounce of happiness in the justification that we should be working 8-10 hours a day to barely make it by. What the f happened to solidarity in the United States? In the world? Why are we not in the streets protesting? Everyone just goes about their day fully complicit and okay with our reality. There are people with billions of dollars, literal pallets of money, walking around and taking private jets, while others struggle and starve. How the f can we be so selfish and comfortable? Have we become that sedated? The American dream is dead. We are modern day slaves.

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