
What are your thoughts on the concept of professionalism as a tool of control

I've always considered the idea of “professionalism” to be vague, and it's usually brought up when someone wants to punish someone else (often for daring to defend themselves or advance themselves) without admitting something specific that they can pin blame on. Employers seem to be able to define what it means to be professional on the fly and can move the goalpost at will. I'm just curious on everyone's thoughts and experiences regarding “professionalism”.

I've always considered the idea of “professionalism” to be vague, and it's usually brought up when someone wants to punish someone else (often for daring to defend themselves or advance themselves) without admitting something specific that they can pin blame on. Employers seem to be able to define what it means to be professional on the fly and can move the goalpost at will.

I'm just curious on everyone's thoughts and experiences regarding “professionalism”.

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