
What are your thoughts on the Trump corporate tax cuts from 2017? Now that 5-6 years later have passed, are u feeling it “trickle down”?

Just wondering what ppl think about the tax cut that Trump gave corporations, taking them from a 33% tax rate to 25%? Now that it's has been 5 to 6 years, just curious if anyone is feeling those cuts “trickle down” like republicans always insist will happen. And they also got all that PPP money, so covid shouldn't have eaten up any increase in profits they should have seen. Just want ppl's honest opinion, considering how much these tax cuts ballooned our deficit.

Just wondering what ppl think about the tax cut that Trump gave corporations, taking them from a 33% tax rate to 25%? Now that it's has been 5 to 6 years, just curious if anyone is feeling those cuts “trickle down” like republicans always insist will happen. And they also got all that PPP money, so covid shouldn't have eaten up any increase in profits they should have seen. Just want ppl's honest opinion, considering how much these tax cuts ballooned our deficit.

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