
What changed in HR?

I’ve noticed in my last 2 jobs, that HR has slowly become more and more hands off. It seems like they want nothing to do with us and anything we come to them with is an inconvenience for them. All of our training is now just done on a computer and us reading slides. Open enrollment rolls around it’s now our responsibility to re new our own benefits. Just honestly curious if things changed in the HR world, because it’s now rolling down hill to the hourlys. Who are already underpaid, overworked, and understaffed. Anyone else noticing this or did i just get screwed on my last 2 jobs? Lol

I’ve noticed in my last 2 jobs, that HR has slowly become more and more hands off. It seems like they want nothing to do with us and anything we come to them with is an inconvenience for them. All of our training is now just done on a computer and us reading slides. Open enrollment rolls around it’s now our responsibility to re new our own benefits. Just honestly curious if things changed in the HR world, because it’s now rolling down hill to the hourlys. Who are already underpaid, overworked, and understaffed. Anyone else noticing this or did i just get screwed on my last 2 jobs? Lol

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