
What do career counselors do now, in this economy?

I wonder what the attitude and point-of-view of traditional career counselors is, now that people have wised up to the facts that the Old Myths were always (mostly) false and, more imporant, that they're guaranteed to be counter-productive now. I used to try to get my head shrunk and people would say, “If you find something that is your passion, you'll never work a day in your life” and “don't have gaps in your resume” and “try to build a knowledge base.” But now I can truthfully retort, “Bull dookie, you're lying. The better I am at my job, the worse I get exploited. The more effort I put in, the less reward I get. The more I know, the less I get to contribute.” What do career counselors do now? I would just ask one of them, but I don't go to them any more because I can't afford…

I wonder what the attitude and point-of-view of traditional career counselors is, now that people have wised up to the facts that the Old Myths were always (mostly) false and, more imporant, that they're guaranteed to be counter-productive now. I used to try to get my head shrunk and people would say, “If you find something that is your passion, you'll never work a day in your life” and “don't have gaps in your resume” and “try to build a knowledge base.” But now I can truthfully retort, “Bull dookie, you're lying. The better I am at my job, the worse I get exploited. The more effort I put in, the less reward I get. The more I know, the less I get to contribute.” What do career counselors do now? I would just ask one of them, but I don't go to them any more because I can't afford them because I'm too poor and I got that way BY TAKING THEIR ADVICE. Do they just continue to lie? Or are they starting to admit that they were peddling damaged goods all along?

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