
What do I do if my job discriminates against me after LNI claim?

I'm a bit frazzled so I'll try to keep this concise. I went on LNI due to an injury. I have it well documented and everything. They have all the paperwork from the doctor. We kept in communication. But when it was time to return to work they FIRED ME for job abandonment and aren't paying my LNI claim. In fact, I've done LNI with this job before and it went smoothly, but it was for a shorter time out. (I have a blue collar job and injuries are common). I guess they weren't happy with the length of my LNI time off. Just a month ago I had a coworker who got promoted, got sick from covid, and when they returned the coworker found out that they got demoted and lowered pay without being told due to them being out sick. This job also has issues with racism and…

I'm a bit frazzled so I'll try to keep this concise.

I went on LNI due to an injury. I have it well documented and everything. They have all the paperwork from the doctor. We kept in communication. But when it was time to return to work they FIRED ME for job abandonment and aren't paying my LNI claim. In fact, I've done LNI with this job before and it went smoothly, but it was for a shorter time out. (I have a blue collar job and injuries are common). I guess they weren't happy with the length of my LNI time off.

Just a month ago I had a coworker who got promoted, got sick from covid, and when they returned the coworker found out that they got demoted and lowered pay without being told due to them being out sick. This job also has issues with racism and employees actively spreading bigotry. And they don't have an HR department.

I filed a discrimination form with LNI, but that'll probably ensure I get my LNI payment. Is there anything else that can be done? Thanks.

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