
What do y’all think of this?

A email was sent out to all employees that our managers told us to disregard, but I read it and there’s lots of truth to it. Here is the email: CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. “Hi all fellow line workers, I overheard a meeting with the bosses Mark Juraschka and Ann Hall. They are planning on cutting our staff by 80% with automation!!! They want to replace all of us that have been here and are making over $16.00 an hour with a new $13.00 an hour people to run the new machines that do everything from making, filling , packaging and shipping products. We have been lied too for too long how Curaleaf cares about us but its a straight up lie. The moving of our jobs…

A email was sent out to all employees that our managers told us to disregard, but I read it and there’s lots of truth to it. Here is the email:

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

“Hi all fellow line workers,
I overheard a meeting with the bosses Mark Juraschka and Ann Hall. They are planning on cutting our staff by 80% with automation!!!
They want to replace all of us that have been here and are making over $16.00 an hour with a new $13.00 an hour people to run the new machines that do everything from making, filling , packaging and shipping products.
We have been lied too for too long how Curaleaf cares about us but its a straight up lie. The moving of our jobs from 2320 building to the 3400 REEF building is just the beginning to cut line staff jobs in not only production, fulfillment but cultivation jobs too with the new machinery to make us “more productive”. That really means less people to make more product's. Machines don't need breaks, health insurance and can be run by a couple people.
We have been working in dangerous condition's at the 3400 Reef property for years with the roof ready to fall in on us. We have all experienced the water coming through the celling and I spoke to maintaince people and they said it also has black mold up there that Curaleaf has known about since they bought 3400 Western Reef property and has been stalling the roof repairs knowing it could fall in on us at any time to save money???Or the fake bomb room the lab guys talk about in the lab next to the place we take our brakes every day??? I'm sure once this email goes out the managers will deny everything and tell us the same lies on how they are going to rebuild us a new place but they are acutely just working on downsizing us with automation. I attached the links to the cannabis union 711 in Las Vegas and an article how AYR has already joined here in Las Vegas!
We can meet and join and not only protect our jobs but have better wages and benefits. I spoke to someone at 711 and they said Curaleaf has successful union contracts in other states and it is illegal and we can sue Curaleaf if they tried to stop us from joining the union.
I have a family and come to work every day and give a 110% to put food on the table and pay my rent and bill's like all the rest of you. I have been working here for years and in the last year things have gotten scary and i'm ready to join up with the union 711 to protect my self from the big corporate Curaleaf machine that buys and sells company's to bring the stock price up and screw over the people that work hard every day. Don't be afraid we can do this together!”

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