
What do you do?

Tldr: How do I make money to pay the bills after abruptly quiting my long term job? I have worked at a restaurant since early 2018. I started here young and worked my way up from the bottom up to sous chef. I've watched many chefs come and go in my time here and never really cared as it didn't effect me much. During the most recent chef change, one of the other long time sous chefs was promoted to head chef. The transition wasn't bad at first. We were all excited to see what he had in store. After about the first month the racism and favoritism took over. (For context he is Guatemalan) He began telling me and the other white kitchen employees that “whites are all lazy.” and “you will never be a hard worker because your white.” I initially I took it as a challenge to…

Tldr: How do I make money to pay the bills after abruptly quiting my long term job?

I have worked at a restaurant since early 2018. I started here young and worked my way up from the bottom up to sous chef. I've watched many chefs come and go in my time here and never really cared as it didn't effect me much. During the most recent chef change, one of the other long time sous chefs was promoted to head chef. The transition wasn't bad at first. We were all excited to see what he had in store.

After about the first month the racism and favoritism took over. (For context he is Guatemalan) He began telling me and the other white kitchen employees that “whites are all lazy.” and “you will never be a hard worker because your white.” I initially I took it as a challenge to work harder and “prove” myself. I had already been busting my ass daily so now I was just overexerting myself for no reason.

My personal life schedule typically requires minimal compromise with the employers schedule. Over three months ago I had begun requesting a more consistent schedule with realistic hours.
I had been working alot of random schedules as he was learning the software.
My schedule often looked like:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10am – 9pm : 11 hours
Thursday: off
Friday: 4pm – 10pm : 6 hours
Saturday: 4pm – 10pm : 6 hours
Sunday: 9am – 9pm : 12 hours

Every week that he would post the schedule I would request my needed schedule again. I wasn't asking for much.

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 2pm – 9pm : 7 hours
Thursday: 2pm – 9pm : 7 hours
Friday: 3pm – 10pm : 7 hours
Saturday: 3pm – 10pm : 7 hours
Sunday: 2pm – 9pm : 7 hours

I repeatedly asked for this schedule and just never got it. It was upsetting but I just chalked it up to “the restaurant needs what the restaurant needs.” Then he hired on his brother and gave him the exact schedule I had been requesting over and over for months now. This was frustrating to say the least but it's whatever I'm still making my own money. Theeeen the day after i tell my chef im 300 short on rent cause he hasnt been scheduling me enough hours. he hires one of his best friends and literally tells me “hey I'm gunna give one of you long days to my buddy, you can just have that day off.”
This was Sunday that he said this and the new guy (his friend) was gunna start the following Wednesday.

This grinded my gears all weekend and come Wednesday I decided “screw this place, I'm not helping them anymore” and sent them an email explaining why I was immediately resigning.

Well now I'm kind of screwed myself as I had no back up plan and am now Struggling to find a job.

What the hell do I do now to make sure I don't fall behind on bills and rent?!?!

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